How 5 Women of Influence Measure Success?
Success is subjective - to some it might be money, to some honey. Irrespective of what “Success” means to each, what has been clearly understood that there are three key elements of success. They are - Clarity of Purpose, Growth Mindset, and Courage. So what do these five successful women of influence have to say about it?
Article by: Cassandra A. Tindal / Editor-in-Chief.
Success is subjective - to some it might be money, to some honey. Irrespective of what “Success” means to each, what has been clearly understood that there are three key elements of success. They are - Clarity of Purpose, Growth Mindset, and Courage. So what do these five successful women of influence have to say about it?
How I Define Success!
Amanda Holley: As an artist, singer and influencer of music entertainment, I would define success as living a life of passion and steadily walking in one's purpose - no matter the outcome or how much the odds are stacked against you. Success doesn’t have to mean that everything is perfect, only that we are continuing to share our innate gifts with the world and living our personal truths. For an artist like myself, it’s about creating and sharing what comes through me with those who need to hear my songs the most, whilst, perhaps for an entrepreneur it is about innovation and bringing new ideas to the world.
Personally, I strive to be a part of a massive and positive shift in our crazy world, by contributing whatever love, light and soul, possible through my music.
This is my biggest motivation and the feeling I’ve had since birth - is to be a vessel for music and to transcend love in this way.
I feel like my passion has been carrying me since the day I was born. Without the gift of music and performance I wouldn’t have survived my life, let alone achieved so many milestones that I could have only dreamed of as a little girl back in Newark. Because of this, I feel so thankful and blessed each and every day that I get to live and share my art with others. My prayer is for me to be to others, what music has been for me, all of my life. This is just who I am!
Learn more about Amanda Holley: Follow IG @listentoamanda
Gifty Boakye, considers herself successful. Her perspective of what success means is reaching her goals, which continues to grow as she reaches certain milestones in her career as a fashion model. Getting booked for runway shows, magazine covers, or certain gigs is a big deal! Gifty says, “It doesn’t matter what field of interest you pursue, set a goal and achieve it - then celebrate it. Every win, no matter how big or small, is my definition of success.”
The thing that drives Gifty is knowing God’s intention for her life, and the purpose he instilled in her.
“When I was ten yrs old, I realized that I was exhibiting certain skills in leadership that inspired, uplifted and empowered other girls to pursue their dreams. Even in my adult years, girls who specifically looked at me, and saw a dark skinned girl from Ghana, living in the United States, born to immigrant parents, and- based on statistics -should not be where she’s at in her accomplishments, are inspired. Already, as black women we start at a deficit. We start behind the starting point to play catch-up from the day we’re born.” Gifty strives to be the best version of herself everyday. “For me,” she says, “It is not a destination. Everyday is different. It’s a journey where you’re embracing those moments-of being doubtful, scared, and unsure. The key is learning from those experiences, and drawing from them to see yourself in a positive light.”
She continues, “In anything you do, you need good people around you to tell you the truth, and to pour into you. But, at the end of the day, the number one factor is how you see yourself. Would you be proud of the person you’re looking at? And would God be proud?” Gifty believes that opportunity doesn’t fall in your lap, that you have to be hungry. One thing she likes about her job and her career is that she gets to tell her story straight up with no chaser.
Learn More About Gifty: Follow IG @gifty_b
Nadia Neubert: As a dancer, my passion for the art was ignited starting at the age of eight years old. I started training in classical Indian dance during the time I was in Trinidad and Tobago. It was my mother who encouraged me on this path, a path that has truly blessed my life tremendously.
However, a new world was introduced to me when I won my first beauty pageant here in the United States in Texas. Since then, I discovered a new found love for modeling which took me on a brand new journey that continues to blossom, allowing me to soar to new heights. To be really good at modeling, it comes with a lot of hard work if you intend to make a mark in this industry - and that is something I am determined to do.
Remembering why you set out to work hard to achieve your goals in the first place.
I approach modeling very sincerely and passionately. My belief is that one should alway have integrity and respect in this industry, focus on your goals without stepping on anyone else’s toes, or hurting someone in the process of achieving them. Success is attaining or achieving satisfaction having reached or accomplished the goals you set for myself.
However, the process of following one’s dream is never easy. There is a lot of strategy, a lot of planning, money, failure, tears, feeling of quitting, soul searching and inner battles, lots of lessons, lots of betrayal. But within all of that, staying grounded is key.
Remembering why you set out to work hard to achieve your goals in the first place. Staying on path. Being around like-minded individuals and people who cheer you on. Forsake those who weigh you down and distract you from your ideas. Friends can break you, but true friends help to make you better.
Knowing that I am blessed with a second chance at life and that I can do whatever I set out to do if I truly believe in myself is what drives me. I rarely look at competition or bad wishers. I focus on my children and what i want to leave behind as a legacy that they can following in. Having strength and believing in oneself is the only way you can be the best version of yourself. Only then you work within your means and listen to your rhythm.
Learn More About Nadia: Follow IG @nadianeubert_model
Farzana Niemann, was born in Herat, Afghanistan, near the border of Iran. For many years, her mother who lives in Hamburg, Germany, along with her family; uncle and cousin who live in Herat, have been helping people in the surrounding villages by providing emergency relief and the everyday necessities like food, clothing, and water since 2017.
As Farzana says, success is reaching our goals to provide relief items to villages in Afghanistan-that have no electricity or water, which is an essential basic need and human right for survival, through the Farzana Foundation.
“Our family has been collecting money for a while to start building fresh water wells for the people in this part of the region. There are things that we take for granted here in the US. For these children, waiting in line to fill their containers with clean water is a gift. For the communities to just see these fresh water wells being built is like Christmas for them.”
To date, we have built thirty five fresh water wells in this region through a collaborative effort of the Farzana Foundation.
Our goal is to build three hundred fresh water wells so that the people don’t have to get sick from unclean water, or die from the lack of fresh drinking water.”
The Farzana Foundation advocates and brings awareness to women’s rights. The current situation in Afghanistan and the Taliban Government forbids women by law to work or be afforded a proper education. Horrific violence against women and girls is highly prevalent in this country. Farzana says one of her goals is to help build an educational institution where women can be educated apart from the men and be empowered.
Farzana Shares Her Story In an Upcoming New Television Series
As is the executive producer of the show, Cinderella on Fifth Avenue, a Reality TV Show that depicts her life story as a women’s rights advocate, loving mother, socialite, and more. Her life is a collage of stories that cover genuine emotion, the escape from oppression, and a world of glam. The story tracks Farzana’s journey as a fifteen-year veteran as a registered nurse in Germany involved in the rehabilitation of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) to her work in beauty, skin care, and makeup after moving to New York in 2011. Her path led to her organization of The Farzana Foundation to provide humanitarian support to the people in Afghanistan.
Learn More About Farzana Niemann: Follow IG @thefarzanafoundation - IG @cinderellaon5thavenue
Vanny Tousignant, measures her success by how she helps others. She ushers in professional designers, models and artists to participate in her extravagant International fashion showcase productions, putting them in the spotlight where they can exhibit their talent, and expose them to new and exciting opportunities of their dreams.
“I realized my talent for designing clothing at a very early age. However, It wasn’t until around 10 years ago that I really started to pursue my passion for fashion in this exciting industry. I am a self taught artist, and business woman, who was inspired by my Indonesian origin, culture, and birthplace.”
The Republic of Indonesia comprises 17,500 islands. With its estimated population of around 250 million people it is the world’s fourth most populous country, and has the largest Muslim population in the world. Indonesian culture and art reflects regional histories, religions and influences of the archipelago’s mind-boggling array of ethnic groups. Indonesia arts can be classified into the three main streams within Indonesia. The first, is that of the outer Indonesia, the islands of Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, Papua and Maluku, which have strong animist traditions.
Carvings, weaving, pottery etc, have developed from a tribal art in which art objects are part of worship. The second stream is that inner Indonesia, the islands of Java and Bali that have come under the greatest influence from Hindu-Budha tradition. The Technique and styles that built Borobudur and the Indian Epics such as The Mahabharata, that form the basis for wayang theater are still a major influence in arts. The third influence is that of Islam, which not so much introduced its own art & crafts traditions, but modified existing traditions. [Source: Bali Tourism Board]
Vanny says studying world culture is a big part of her life interest, and most importantly she feels that it is necessary to introduce Indonesian culture to the world through her brand, by founding the international fashion showcase productions. “It’s about keeping the culture alive and helping other amazing artists and designers shine in the spotlight.”
I am constantly challenging myself and pushing my vision for these productions to the next level. Generally, I produce fashion shows twice or sometimes three times a year in New York City. But, this year I dared to expand the vision and traveled abroad to produce our extravagant showcase at Milan Fashion Week, in Milan. 2023 has been an amazing year for us. The biggest accomplishment for me was bringing my client designers to participate at the Fashion Institute of Technology, by showcasing Indonesian textiles, and fashions. Also, producing our first fashion show in Milan was a huge success for everyone involved. Next, my goal is to bring American designers, and the productions to Indonesia, in the near future.
Learn More About Vanny: Follow IG @vannytousignant
Womenz Straight Talk Magazine is a cosmos of multicultural lifestyles and geographical influences envisioned for today’s women, society and communities worldwide. “Our media reflects the colorful spectrum of life including insightful perspectives from women, culture, business, travel, lifestyle, entertainment and sociopolitical commentary”